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    Selena Gomez new tattoo: 76 Roman numeral

    LXXVI, that is the Roman numeral 76. Here is the new tattoo of Selena Gomez. The 20 year-old girlfriend of Justin Bieber in the last hour was made on the neck draw a number that should refer to an important date of his family. According to insiders, in fact, 76 means 1976, the year of birth of mother Mandy Dawn Cornett. Hence there will be a sincere and sweet tribute to his mother, a former Italian-American actress of theater, that put the world when he was only 15 years old.

         The tattoo was a tribute to a family member who means a lot to her. Selena was nervous and it was painful, so he held the hand of his best friend all the time. But she did a great job.

    It 's very likely that the craze of tattoo Justin Bieber is infecting the beautiful singer and actress. In fact, only last February Selena had become a small musical note tattoo (inizialemente mistaken for a heart) on her right wrist. Now it is the turn of the neck.

    The photos published on facebook by Gomez arrives just at the times when the world is going around the embarrassing video in which his Justin Bieber vomits on stage during a concert.

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