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    Justin Bieber vomits on stage: the video

    Did not go well the first date of the new tour Justin Bieber in Glendale, Arizona. The idol of teenagers onto the stage and in the middle of a song, he vomited in front of about 18 thousand girls present. A member of the public is not committed to scream, probably the father of a belieber, has immortalized the endeavor of the angle perfect.

    But what has caused all this coming and going of the digestive Justin? He tried to explain it with a tweet a few minutes after the end of the concert: it was the fault of milk gone bad perhaps. In many, however, have questioned whether the accident was not due to excessive consumption of the good old alcohol.
    Shortly before returning the soul, Justin walks down the stairs of the scene along with two dancers. Once again in the center of the stage, turns to double over and vomit with his back to his fans. It will have wanted scandalizzarle! After the effort, the Canadian pop star escapes behind the scenes and succeeds in the difficult task of slipping on his own vomit.

    As reported by USA Today, Justin would have accused the discomfort after one hour concert. We, however, was too strong and he returned to sing. Poor choice. After a few minutes running back Justin backstage, thus avoiding the embarrassment of being put back again for the second time in one evening.

    Despite the double inconvenience Justin came back again on stage to finish the show, but not before having apologized for the double accident.

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