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    Rocco Siffredi porn movies on the Minetti "Nicole would be the best"

    Film is hard. Nicole Minetti back to the center of the scandal about his possible involvement in a sex tape. This time to speak was none other than the king of porn Rocco Siffredi during an interview in the program "Password" aired on RTL 102.5, on the proposal made ​​to Minetti to participate in a hard film said, "Nicole would be the better. "

    "It has the structure and the face of the woman who knows what she wants," said Rocco Siffredi "Porn in the end and 'a series of games, entertainment in front of the camera where all with the excuse that it' a job we love to make always one more, "said the actor hard then he added," the Minetti seems to me that one does not have much need to be convinced. "

    Then, when the transmission conductors have asked Rocco Siffredi what it considered to be the politician 'sexy actor said, "for me Brambilla" stating that "and' gone and I hope to come back, just 'cause defends animals and I consider myself the first animal that must be defended by her. "

    Some time ago he made ​​some noise the news that the well-known producer, director and manager of pornstar as Moana Pozzi and Cicciolina, was soon made ​​into a film starring Nicole Minetti, even in September.

    "I have no intention of doing porn movies nor with Riccardo Schicchi or with anybody else," he thundered Minetti surprised and angered by the news about him, "This news is absolutely false," he said "I will take action with my attorney. I do not know where it is output. I do not know Schicchi and I'm not going to make a porn movie.

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